Brahmo Samaj was brought out as the societal component of Brahmoism, a monotheistic reformist and renaissance movement of Hindu religion. It has been practiced mainly as the Adi Dharm after its eclipse in Bengal consequent to the exit of the Tattwabodini Sabha from its ranks in 1859. After the publication of Hemendranath Tagore’s Brahmo Anusthan (code of practice) in 1860 which formally divorced Brahmoism from Hinduism, the first Brahmo Samaj was founded in 1861 at Lahore by Pandit Nobin Chandra Roy during the British regime. He is alleged to have been clandestinely supported by the than under cover actors of the British for implementation of their future policy to divide & rule formula. British initially targeted diluting influence of Sikh Raj values experienced by natives under Governance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.
B) It has been referred in books that it became one of the influential religious reformist movements. It was originally started at Calcutta on 20 August 1828 by Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Debendranath Tagore as reformation of the prevailing Brahmanism of the time and began the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century pioneering all religious, social and educational advance of the Hindu community in the 19th century. Its Trust Deed was reported to have been made originally in 1830 formalizing its inception and it was duly and publicly inaugurated in January 1830 by the consecration of the first house of prayer, now known as the Adi Brahmo Samaj. The Brahmo Samaj springs Brahmoism, one of the recent sects or faiths of Hinduism. It is not recognized in India as a separate religion distinct from Hinduism despite its non-syncretic “foundation of Rammohun Roy’s reformed spiritual Hinduism (contained in the 1830 Banian deed) and inclusion of root Hebraic – Islamic creed and practice” though the position is different in Bangladesh.
C) Brahmo Samaj Doctrine
The following doctrines, as noted in Renaissance of Hinduism, are common to all varieties and offshoots of the Brahmo Samaj.
Brahmo Samajists have no faith in any scripture as an authority, have no faith in Avatars, denounce polytheism and idol-worship, are against caste restrictions, make faith in the doctrines of Karma and Rebirth optional
D) Principles of Brahmo Samaj.
The following prime principles are accepted by the vast majority of Brahmos today.
On God: There is always Infinite Singularity – immanent and transcendent Singular Author and Preserver of Existence – He who is manifest everywhere and in everything, in the fire and in the water, in the smallest plant to the mightiest oak.
On Being: Being is created from Singularity. Being is renewed to Singularity. Being exists to be one (again) with Loving Singularity.
On Intelligent Existence: Righteous actions alone rule Existence against Chaos. Knowledge of pure Conscience (light within) is the One (Supreme) ruler of Existence with no symbol or intermediary.
On Love, love and love: Respect all creations and beings but never venerate (worship) them for only Singularity can be adored.