The religious belief dominated in Delhi is with inner Governance psychology on ancient Brahamanical way of life, rightly addressed by Smt Maya Devi, as continuity for foundation of Gandhi – Nehru/ Brahman – Banian joint venture, talents which earlier brought India to its knees for the times of Mughal invading Era. They all are contributing to degeneration to the original Vedic ethos for human value & true way of living. Mr Dhar is stated to have written in his book, how Delhi functioned on Punjab for its present conditions of distrust & created economic difficulties for the state. The Truth is getting covered not by mist but thick clouds of dust by irrigation of untrue ,false way of life between state to centre, between political party ‘A’ to relations with ‘B’ party along with interference in religious affairs of minorities for short term political benefits. The system operators are not realizing that many of their unmindful actions are not part of solutions. The systems are getting crumbled down, adding multiple varieties of difficulties, resulting in morally weakest human assets, having a fractured society, who may not be able to withstand international challenges on Indian borders for continuity in mutual mistrust.
B) The life conveniences/gadgets provided by science innovations may become redundant when systems on ethics will fail them like incidence of November 1984.The strength for family, state, country is not on the basis of wealth alone but how much honesty stood displayed by its guides, leaders in the shape of past Executive/Judicial actions displays on matters brought before respective chairs. The respectful judiciary at Delhi is extending extra help to bring back two Italians nationals, alleged for firing –death of fishermen of an Indian state but is not able to see injustice done between 1980 – 1995 to Sikhs Diaspora.The degradation for ethics is not limited to non SIKHS but some individuals in Sikh faith also got carried away for lust of wealth & political powers in the recent Punjab history. A few persons, unfortunately including some leaders in Sikh politics (non Akali), became party to the drama played in Punjab for inciting emotional quotient, provoking communities on disrespect to Gurdwara – Mandir, purely for a vote Bank by one top state executive (died for advancement of his political career, contributed for degeneration of ethics.
C) The parental relationship in Punjab is addressed as son may become enemy but parents cant play that negative role for its children ‘.Delhi however originally not that important inherited bloodiest heritage when one son after next son killed its father to get early on thrown & Delhi got developed such a profile having damaging its own (states) children: the Punjab during last 60-70 years of its life in one form or the other. Delhi took away the right over its waters leaving less that 24% & still eyeing to loot it further. The natural controls over hydal works generating electricity taken away. The issue on capital for Punjab developed to the levels creating unfriendly relationship with neighbor states. What is the loss to Delhi if it is allowed to be managed by Punjab ,is this Punjab belongs to Pakistan or Sikhs belong to another country, the ideas of Delhi systems operators are is not understood by any well meaning person in Punjab.
D) Punjab despite less than step motherly treatment given by the Mother India during last 6 decades, has performed best possible duties expected from a son (Punjab State) on all fronts: sacrifice on borders, labor on fields for a Food Bowl of the country, but Delhi preferred to change the fundamentals for recruitment in Army & other central services on population basis & not as Punjab to be an equal state partner in growth for India. Punjabis bring in more than Rs. 10,000 Cr. worth foreign earnings every year to India by labor in other countries ,accepted all Delhi made acts of cheating –discrimination & seeking to allow to live their own way of life by giving proportionate share of funds contributed by Punjab is also felt to be unreasonable demand .
E) The river Water left with Punjab are just 24% of the total state water assets with them by taking away 76% from them ,on distribution for Punjab only 4.22 MAF & non riparian states : Haryana for 3.50 MAF, Rajasthan 8.60 MAF, Delhi 0.20 MAF, J & K 0.65 MAF. Had these been with the state, the life for Punjabis may have been better on receipt of certain revenues by sharing extra natural assets with other states, supplied on similar charge on them as that of COAL, PETROLEUM & OTHER MINERALS found in India. Punjabis proved disloyal to their co state citizens by displaying more closeness to rest of India by giving away their own assets and facing economic heat now for less comparative developments in state. Punjab government has recently accessed the value of water allocated to Rajasthan since 1947 at 1,50,000 Crore Rupees, but Punjab received nothing.The details written in the book titled ‘INDIA COMMITS SUICIDE ‘by Dr Gurdarshan Singh speak for the degree of cheating / losses made with Punjab resulting in present accumulative economic sufferings for the state & its people.
F) Punjabis got a great heart that left lacks of acres of fertile, canal irrigated Land in PAKISTAN to become refugees-homeless. The land purchase/sale rules framed consciously by neighbor states; Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan were primarily to keep Punjabis away if they wish to move in to their state for agriculture adventures, despite the fact that Punjab has not created similar buying selling conditions limiting purchase only by its natives, thus Punjab happens to be property of every one on the earth.
G) Amritsar got one of the oldest International air ports of India. Delhi always displayed fear of Pakistan for non development plans stating this to be a border area. Lahore has not got such fears for the development of services on their international Airport on the border city of India. Delhi continue to lie & be fool Punjab working for its own benefits for Delhi business houses.
H) One of the basic historical concepts –principles for numerical growth of the Sikh community was by practicing ‘TIAAG’ ,doing selfless service for humanity which has become rare commodity after 1947. Every one earlier use to volunteer to be first for service & now most tell others to be first for service to the community.Had our elders or Guru Sahibs focused for current or self growth to be only priority ,the shape & the size for the Sikh community may have been less then a PARSI community. The Sikh historians fear that the ‘FUTURE’ for the Sikhs on the adoption for the prevalent living culture of migrated land, NEW INDIA, they may end up fighting for their natural identity survivals beyond 2050 on Indian land, hence, all is not well with Sikh state of mind. Indian cultural platform has done great harm to the Sikh ethos, without giving worth value in exchange, hence large number of Sikh community also got derailed -lost its own ethical road for natural developments.
I) The community appears to have faulted by not exploring feasibility authorizing Maharaja Yadavindra Singh, father of Capt Amarinder Singh, King for Patiala Estate to negotiate on behalf of Sikhs with British & other important political leaders, such as legally mature Mr Nehru, Mr Gandhi and other personalities like Mr Patel representing Gujarat who is reported to have sent strong personal armed group of people to confront, neutralize Muslim community members in Punjab. The Sikh Diaspora were under guidance of a good, honest human, in Master Tara Singh with and another one moderate gentleman, Mr Baldev Singh Dhuma rom Ropar who in turn got mislead or be fooled by clever dishonest politics of U.P.-GUJARAT-MAHARASHTRA-BENGAL- TAMILNADU in Delhi.
The Sikhs also suffered loss for a long time under the leadership of a alleged convert to Sikhism of a Muslim born, named Sant Fateh Singh. The next Sikh Test has been at the hands of Sant Longowal, again a simple honest soul with parallel fire brand leadership of Sant Jarnail Singh (Brar) allies Bhindrawale working to cross purpose & neutralizing energy platforms of each other. The times contributed for the derailment of the community to the extent that they may be able to stand individually but to stand up at community levels for old position / strength may take few generations. The Sikh community with history for so many sacrifices by its Gurus, Sikh soldiers, in an effort to bring other side to view their logic rationally, ended up with a new planted tag for community allegedly ‘Militant – Terrorist traits’, courtesy innovations by Brahman-Banaia brilliance owners for New Delhi Fort being suspected for motherly role in construction for Canada Kanishka tragedy!