Ideology Lessons: 1499-1699-1712-1799-1839
Psychological guilt underneath past failures by other India:
Ptd Daynand (Swami) as a matter of fact, may have been under psychological (guilt) pressure that they (Arya Samaj) having adopted major parts of reformist way of human life traits originally taught by Sikh Gurus (1499 – 1699). They wanted to side track this fact for marketing as of their thoughts under new TITLE by writing that these were mentioned in Veda & based on Aryan school of knowledge. How this Vedic knowledge remained none implemented in other India till that time except for adoptions in Punjab has not been explained. His actions thus resulted in plantation of separatist’s seeds in Punjab, projecting SANSKRIT as link language & (reluctantly) common idol worshipers being one civilization of Gujarat, Maharashtra with U.P., Madhya Pradesh, Bihar & further intended to color Punjab in the then pre 1947 India.
It is altogether an interesting situation that Pandit Daya Nanda Tiwari never married but wrote volumes on whom to marry & not to marry in his book named, Satyartha Prakasha. Ptd Daya Nand thus inverdently or intesionally succeeded in sowing seeds for separatist culture in Punjab who earlier had been living as one cultural society developed around LAHORE & AMRITSAR centre. The culture for this area had been different than other states in past & present India; living in SOUTH, EAST & WESTERN parts. It is important for Sikh Diaspora to read book titled ‘The Satyartha Prakasha’ & ‘THE LIGHT OF TRUTH’ or UNTRUTH to know certain interesting points for our own introspection.
It is fact of the history that the society addressed as Hindu or Hinduism in most part of India went through hard times for a long stretch of the rule for about seven centuries of Mughal periods & three centuries under British. The forefathers for Sikh community prior to 1499 had similar life as that of other punjabies .Similarly largest part of present Muslim also had similar conditions living like other local non Muslim cultures. But both moved ahead of past & hold independent separate identities to be understood. The most parts of India were taken over by British in 1773 onward except for Punjab who were taken under controls after about 100 years.