Enhanced significance of Sikh faith at Global level
Punjab may invent hidden greatness, non marketed qualities in Srd Manmohan Singh who otherwise could not prioritize development for home state neither justice for 1984 massacres, though instrument ensuring safety benefits from internal/external state borders for them during one decade?
History made, written & read out by generations has always emanated different flavors, generally influenced with aura for running times when referred by interested or opposing public constituents. India has diversity for a variety of cultures, languages, racial divisions primarily with broad compartmentalization with titles for respective statehood. The credit goes to British Monarch for bringing so many on common platform though for advancement of their own political ,economical, geographical interests during their times. The new India, post 1947 lead to creation for two countries and later turned out to be three after emergence of Bangla Desh. The new India has been directly under Nehru – Gandhi families except for short spans under those who separated themselves from the policies & programs of direct family rule .
The congress party in new India after exit of Mr Rajiv Gandhi utilized opportunity to mange Governance through best possible human personality available, who will not invite political challenge in any form to the re positioning of family royal member when groomed to occupy family inheritance. Srd Manmohan Singh had exceptional experience for having worked professionally on so many Indian & Global platforms prior to the trust posed for top executive job for the country about ten years ago. The journey of Srd Manmohan Singh as Prime minister witnessed numerous challenges for relationship with neighborhoods, within country as well as on certain Global economic recession conditions but he did not let down his country with his vision and able Governance. He unfortunately has been addressed as meek, week by some individual or political groups thus not done justice with him. His family like the writer being migrated ( Punjab part with Pakistan) understands how & where shoe pinches but majority natives for new other Indian states do not have similar experience for getting uprooted, hurt & brought to unrecoverable human as well as economic losses .
The P.M. held Press conference on 3rd Jan 14 highlighting performance card though to his own view point. He echoed that history may judge him better than what is being perceived by currents of present media creations in the background for non disclosure of reasons behind his selective or rare public political statements. He being bureaucratic politician has different work culture than a traditional politician Minister but he in past performed with firmness till UPA -I. There was incidentally an opportunity to know his administrative fear while working as Minister for Finance. A business man of Punjab having been close to the than chairman Board of Customs ruffled with operational custom officers at a ship breaking port in Gujarat for advancement of their extra business interests. He got in trouble and had to leave business locations for hiding in his home town in Punjab. He confessed that he has access to certain senior secretaries in G.O.I. but none dare take chance helping him for relief stating, ” No one can take chance with SARDAR in Ministry for Finance “.
Another story which may formally get disclosed to the public relates to credit bestowed on a former congress Chief Minister of Punjab for his role during interstate conflict but was averted. The real credit belongs to visionary guidance by the Prime Ministerial team who unofficially tipped on possible method for deferment of conflict. Therefore, we may hear many stories resulting in better report card of P.M. We being India are known to be nursing thankless culture. There is an old conventional statement that “we inhabit culture remembering slightest non deliverance of facility or object including service by parents but tend to forget all best deeds done to us by parents or those in parental positions “. India unfortunately has not displayed desired grace to the good deeds of Mr SINGH for his humanly honest service period of last 30 years. It is believed that his performance till UPA –I was outstanding but during current tenure he is believed to have compromised more than desired moral political exigencies. He being economist facilitated inward access to almost every kind of consumer item facilities otherwise innovated & developed by world Industrial leaders. He unlocked economic barriers by relaxations, which were kept in hibernation by India since 1947.
He though failed to do extra for his home state but his positioning in new Delhi during last about a decade may be remembered in future as comparatively trouble free ERA for natives of Punjab who were not instigated or divided on religious community faith lines by New Delhi. The credit for peaceful environment may be shared jointly with the statesmanship of present Chief Minister of the state; Srd Parkash Singh Badal. The legitimate or illegitimate state actors are alleged to have earlier played proactive political agendas in tiny state of Punjab for the advancement of exclusive interest of other India. It is also a known fact that the positioning of Srd Manmohan Singh was facilitated by conscious decisions of Mrs Sonia Gandhi family.
It was a belated action for respect to a turbaned Sikh personality after so many misadventures of Nehru-Gandhi family since 1947, though Mrs Sonia or Rahul were not directly party to the damage engineered against Sikh Diaspora. The top leaders for other major political party were rather alleged to be direct active party for major adversity kind of decisions for Punjab. Therefore, the public of Punjab need not always sing the song of India alone, at least not on internal management systems, unless proved be beneficial for the state. They need to feel PROUD for the son of the Punjab soil and market his better part of personality. His TURBAN with blessing of Guru Sahib brought knowledge to the world for significance of Sikh faith at Global level. The public of India including Punjab will definitely increase graph of his respect after his feasible disclosures. We may all wish him best of health; post responsibilities of Prime Ministerial ship in response to his Press conference.
babushahi.com Nazaria – 26 Article Posted on : 2014-01-04