“ANTI-SIKH 84 RIOTS”….in reality “GENOCIDAL-MASSACRE” ….confirmed in 2014!

SENSITIVE JOURNEY of “Nomenclature distortions” in between Indian tactics…. “ANTI-SIKH 84 RIOTS….in reality GENOCIDAL-MASSACRE” .…confirmed in 2014! 

Indian Union Home Minister, while handing over a part of the financial relief to the 1984 Sikh victim families, conveyed that 1984 “Anti -SIKH RIOTS” were in fact….”SIKH GENOCIDE”.  The Media accordingly carried “Political expressions” “obediently” …. in most of the North Indian news papers. A few vernacular (Punjabi) papers expressed gratitude as if the “Red Fort’s”…. new political leadership has done “great favour ” by using “appropriate dictionary ”  to address….“most disastrous” &” inhuman atrocity”.…..slapped on the post British Indian  territory. The Sikh diaspora is still….not able to sense “in between meaning “….for exploitation of their “honest emotions”. An eminent Historian expressed reservation of “genuineness”… in choice of the “select words” used  by the worthy Home Minister, ….”though appreciable ” but need not to be read too much “in between ” such politically aired statements. Do NOT GET MISGUIDED…as if the BASICS of the B.J.P ideologies are changing for the welfare of the minorities in India …&…are better than the Congress.
The cultural heritage of the “Punjabis”… Is quite different as compared to other co natives of the Indian states. Punjabis are energetic, who are willingly to work overtime to “earn better” … for the special  …”life STYLE” ….. They do not forget “historical hurts”…so easily…. The damage to their religious ICONS & PLACES OF WORSHIP, are ..”Un-pardonable” offence.


Only one prominent “non Sikh” … Mr. Vir Singhvi…. in the year 2005…who expressed boldly by writing ….that the -1984-were not being “anti Sikh Riots”  in fact it was…. “A MASSACRE “. In fact…He too took so many years to come up with (at least) ….appropriate  …”word ” …for the “ANCHORED SIKH TRAGEDY”………Not much has changed in the last 20+10 years with regard to the …..”Indian JUSTICE MECHANISM” neither legalized LESSON … has been given to the conspirators, who ENACTED & EXECUTED 1984″ UNPARDONABLE EPISODE.” Punjab, particularly the… SIKHS …were already carrying burden of the unsolved MYSTERIES / TRAGEDIES of 1947 & the new “HEINOUS” & UNFORGETTABLE chapter was added TO …their …LIFE HISTORY..!
Punjab state Governance systems….  along with (Total) Media continue (inadvertently?)….addressing 1984 in their writings with officially coined -none dictionary word, ”ANTI -SIKH RIOT”, thus ” disrespecting  the …lost ones ” They all were perhaps waiting since last 30 years, for Punjab state ….directions (ordinance)  for…releasing -addressing -communicating …..in writing,…… the disastrous event of 1984 as “Genocidal 84′ Sikh Massacre” and …..forbade using ….   “Anti -Sikh Riot”.


The… “incorrect-dishonest” …  induction of such language, “visually disrespectful”  is happening due to in sensitiveness of the Indian Media,… owned & particularly operated beyond the borders of Punjab…. The head of the state in Punjab has means, ensuring his actual expressions are carried during the official correspondence and also printing by the Media (at least within the state), …  STRUCTURAL JUSTICE, though continued to be denied in the last 30 years by INDIA but the….state is not expected to be “insensitive ” by writing -communicating the recent history (of 1984)… incorrectly different from the expressions of Mr Sanghvi and the present Home Minister of the country? 

nirmal Singh”Keerka” gnanaktimes2aajtak@gmail.com

Updated: January 5, 2015 — 6:23 am