Nazaria -20 Article Posted on: 2013-11-02
War of succession to steal Blood bathed Punjab partition legacy graves –by children of (Sardar) Pandit V. J.Patel, Nehru, and Gandhi…..
India, pre 1947, definitely had different value calendar for the society, allowing each other enough space to practice individual faith without much fear or challenges. The British masters, though small in numbers, succeeded in dividing different religious segments by catering them for individual emotional needs in continuity of rule on the name of their Queen. Elders for all of us in past generations ,spent most of the time in rural life without news paper, phone -mobile , T.V. ,varieties for Food ,vehicles ,air conditioning ,freezer facilities but enjoyed higher degree of contentment by leading simpler way of life . The natives for few states like Punjab & Bengal suffered most during freedom struggles followed by man made partition. They definitively imagined for better Governance than for British periods .The English system operators contributed through Research & Development in welfare of Indian subjects .The identification for major Indian Hill stations ,its connectivity through road or Railways, electrification, irrigation systems were shaped during their charge. India, even after 66 years of their EXIT are finding difficulties matching past growth levels in many areas. We continue to portrait one part of the unhealthy side of picture; condemning atrocities ,brutalities, siphoning off valuable wealth & articles from India to England and try to hide comparative reality on how India conducted and failed on so many fronts with so called self Governance under majority, racial numbers , marketed with the label of sham democracy.
Therefore, recent displays of New India has brought out unique hidden colors for so many leading politician in respect of how they wish to divide history for team of successful political leaders for personal advantage, without realizing consequential damages to be reaped by coming generations .The Media has also been playing competitive role in marketing personalities for future investments. The word freedom to Press may be fully exploited during intervening period for present to coming new Government in 2014.The War of words opened for legacy for Pandit ji V.J.Patel may open up many wounds, partially healed with passage of time, especially for Punjab subjects. Mr Patel ,Mr Nehru ,Mr Gandhi were all in legal profession, hence aware on how to anchor movement for taking controls for political Power for Governance.
Most of people from undivided Punjab having been treated as fodder for economical and physical exploitation, obeying honestly, conducting themselves in the spirit of principles learnt from TEN GURUS & Shri Guru Granth Sahib. The anchored part of Freedom struggle by super intelligent trio legal brains with many others were angling for personal benefits and not exclusively for fundamental human freedom, hence misused the real history of Sikh martyrdom to their advantage. The actions for exemplary glorification of a select political leaders, such as Pandit ji Patel & Mr Nehru, Mr Gandhi are happening in continuity to past dramatized projections to over shadow other honest ,real fighter heroes, provided by Punjab for humanely freedom struggles.
The Bharat Rattan awarded earlier to Mr Patel had been for his silent contribution for the foundation for Hindutav state i.e. common platform for believers in identical IDOL WORSHIP & not exclusiveness to role in honest partition. India, if to be constructed as secular state, then virus of communal divide may not have been brought from Bombay Presidency province, now known as Maharashtra & Gujarat by dividing in East & West Punjab .The plants of hatred spread were for ‘cleansing between (Punjabi) Muslim v/s Punjabi Hindus –Sikhs’, resulting in for death of over ten lack innocent souls; courtesy, political game plan of leaders from other India, including Bharat Rattan awardees. No one displayed remorse or sorrow when Indian leaders went ahead with celebrations on 15th August 1947, in place of required condolence to departed lacks for both sides .This is real part of inside hollowness of India, unknown to new generation of politics .
A circular dated October 10, 1947 is reported to have been issued on behest of Shriman Patel as Home Minister of India through Governor of the State, Mr C. L.Trivedi, warning district authorities in the Punjab against what was described as the “criminal tendencies of the Sikh people”! Sardar Kapur Singh being Deputy Commissioner filed a strong protest against this wild and mischievous slur, thus inviting the Governor’s personal wrath upon himself. The Charges for insubordination were brought against him followed by dismissal from the service. This was one of the sample messages to Punjabis particularly to the Sikh community for 85% contributions for martyrdom, life imprisonment at ‘Kalepani’ besides economical loss by loosing 75% land holdings in undivided Punjab.
The Gujarat & Maharashtra has reason to project their leader touching sky limits. Mr Vallabhbhai Jhaver bhai Patel, a barrister by profession from Gujarat province is credited by other India for merger of more than five hundred self-governing princely states to Indian platform in 1947 by using diplomacy, backed with the option for use of military force. He, as a matter of fact engineered victory for Maharashtra – Gujarat, U.P. states, who earlier encountered defeat in war with human loss for about 1, 00,000 Maratha soldiers and non-combatants during ‘Third Battle of Panipat’, fought in January 1761, between Peshwa Baji Rao and Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani .Although after about ten years, Peshwa Madhavrao (I) recovered back control of the north, including Delhi in 1771 but lost again in 1818 after three battles with British. Thus politically guided initiative for installation of STATUE with title of unity of India is otherwise, in heart of heart meant “VICTORY TOWER’’ for believers in identical ‘IDOL WORSHIP’ ,after cleansing – hurting – killing – damaging prosperous original Punjab state. Punjabis are alleged to have displayed indifference with non supportive role during Maratha confrontations with Mughals.
The new generations unfortunately are not getting connected to relevant parts of real history. The simplicity of Punjab was honored when V. Bhai Patel preferred using prefix of SARDAR to his name but his contribution for destruction of Punjab disclosed actual story behind this part of politics. The word Sardar generally is part & parcel of those who take birth in families of Sikh culture or the term is used by those who lead life controlling certain muscle powers or Tribal groups being their leader in field of conflicts!
Punjab made contributions for Global level peace Fundamentals; Ethics for mutual inter community respect models based on scriptures of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, which were also practiced indirectly by Maharajah Ranjit Singh. During his Governance, not even a single subject qualified for capital punishment. His system operators ensured delivery for human Justice to all; including natives for Gujarat, Sindh, Punjab, parts of Baluchistan, Afghanistan etc. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur flamed spirit for independence among non Muslims during 1708-1710. Maharajah Ranjit Singh technically qualifies for establishment of “TOWER OF UNITY”, Guru Nanak Sahib for “TOWER OF PEACE”. The killings engineered during Punjab partition are being taken as forgotten chapter without identification for culpability of leaders, desiring establishment for at least a suitable Memorial. The Prime Minister himself being refugee should come forward for highest “Memorial Tower dedicated to Death of Punjab in 1947” in capitol complex Chandigarh.
Therefore, the IDEA of Mr Modi, constructing ‘unity Tower’ in dedication to Mr Patel, alleged controversial personality in present context, despite pictured for bringing a couple of cultures, communities, languages, states on common platform, may not get absolved for the hidden revengeful conduct settling past history with questionable role in spreading hatred for one reason or the other, leading to bloodshed other than Gujarat territories. Punjab along with many states representing minorities are in search of real designs behind the exercise on WAR CRY by leader of Gujarat. The methods allegedly used by first ‘Super cop – Thanedar of India’, conveyed that he was party for killing for about ten Lacks ,which works out to be ten times higher than loss of Maratha population in ‘Third War in Panipat’. Thus Gujarat leaders really emerged with great success story in 1947 for achievements without shedding extra blood of natives.
Therefore, statement of Bihar Chief Minister & many others from Nehru – Indira congress families, equating role of Shriman V.J. Patel with “HITLER” has strong historical relevance. The partitioned, blood soaked Punjab understood the politics played by beneficiary states like U.P., Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar etc. but at a very late stage. They got to know what has been lost by them with the actions of ‘IRON MAN’ & party of other India in terms of risk for dilution to Punjab culture, language, generic ethos, garbed under independence model crafted titled India .Punjab generation to generations already injured on many fronts, may have to just watch & see the intricacies in between developments during coming days for partition of succession by remaining proactive but offensive or defensive lines.
Nirmal Singh Keerka ,
Gen Secretary, Punjab Heritage & Education Foundation. Cell 9876122122
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