Being India Unable to identify – be a State, Country or a Nation State?

Nazaria -21
Media invariably refers India as a country and at certain occasions a Nation country or a Nation State in context of construction for news. The concept differentiation has never been brought forward before citizens since Exit for British Managers who were controlling a group of geographical territories located in South East Asia. The British imperialism in compliance to the decisions of their Monarch after evaluations for the conditions developed after world war II, along with those prevalent environment of frustrations among natives of occupied land, decided to QUIT , leaving its charge to locals .Some of the countries formed now get addressed as INDIA,PAKISTAN,BANGLA DESH etc. The basics are required to be looked in what is necessary for makeup of a country and which generally qualifies to be addressed a Nation Country. Will India remain a Country although neighbor counties like Bangla Desh & Pakistan continued to be one Nation, practicing one religion, culture, language despite geographically being two countries? India on the other side having so many Nations within one country, continue to be evasive to the ground realities, neither appreciative for the strength areas for better human productiveness.


The generic criteria defining a Country, State and a Nation.
There is a difference between the terms Nation, State, and Country, even though the words are often used interchangeably. Country and State are synonymous terms that both apply to self-governing political entities. A nation, however, is a group of people who share the same culture but may not have sovereignty.
A country is a region legally identified as a distinct entity in political geography. A country may be an independent sovereign state or one that is occupied by another state, as a non-sovereign or formerly sovereign political division, or a geographic region associated with sets of previously independent or differently associated peoples with distinct political characteristics. Regardless of the physical geography, in the modern internationally accepted legal definition as defined by the League of Nations in 1937 and reaffirmed by the United Nations in 1945, a resident of a country is subject to the independent exercise of legal jurisdiction. Sometimes the word country is used to refer both to sovereign states and to other political entities, while other times it refers only to states. For example, the CIA World Fact book uses the word in its “Country name” field to refer to “a wide variety of dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, uninhabited islands, and other entities in addition to the traditional countries or independent states”.
Nation generally refers to a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history. However, it can also refer to people now days, who share a common territory and government i.e. for example the inhabitants of a sovereign state, irrespective of their ethnic make-up; that can also be addressed a nation state. Nation carries varying meanings, and the connotation of the term has changed over time. An ethnic community or ethane, shares a common myth of origins and descent, a common history, elements of distinctive culture, a common territorial association, and sense of group solidarity. A nation is much more impersonal, abstract, and overtly political than an ethnic group. It is a cultural-political community that has become conscious of its coherence, unity, and particular interests.


How were countries defined in the past?
The governments in the past, often used two opposing theories to define a country—the Montevideo Convention treaty or the constitutive theory of statehood. In 1933, at the Montevideo Convention in Uruguay, a treaty was signed on the Rights and Duties of States. The treaty defined a State using four criteria—a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and a capacity to enter into relations with other States. The convention also declared that a State did not have to be recognized by other States, meaning a country could exist even if other countries did not recognize it. Conversely, the constitutive theory of statehood said that a country existed if it was recognized as sovereign by other countries. Therefore, if other countries recognized a country as independent, it was, even if the country did not have control of its territory or a permanent population.
INDIA became a COUNTRY in 1947, having fulfilled some of the basics to be an Independent State. The subsequent Path for GOVERNANCE modules from day One on constitution for interim (shadow) Government wef 2 September 1946 could not reflect consciousness for JUSTICE. The past Journey of INDIA for 66 years also conveys non preference to Management for Country with VALUE BASED ETHICS, necessary qualifying requirements to be NATION CULTURE?
Updated: August 12, 2014 — 9:37 am