Nazaria -17 Article Posted on : 2013-10-12
Adjudication alleged Seriousness ‘Tata Camelot Project’ v/s unchallenged other settlements on the face of PUNJAB
The news appeared on a National paper, local pull out on, Oct 8th, 2013 referring that “SC halts Tata Camelot project”, conveying (temporary) victory for an individual contestant party v/s large beneficiaries of Housing society. The winners projected a CAUSE in protection of an area, now disclosed to be covered under catchments and also to be natural feeder for man made Lake of Chandigarh. The commentary in private circulations had been that a group of old residents wish to ensure good viewing for Shivalik Hills, without interruptions by constructions in between their roof Top for their abode in sectors 2 – 11 of Chandigarh. The news refers that Justice (Retd) S.S. Sodhi, former High court judge, through brilliant lawyer, Srd P.S. Patwalia, son of a Supreme Court justice (Retd) Srd Kuldeep Singh, appeared for them to seek stay resulting in obstructions for the developments in northern part of Chandigarh.
It is well known fact that a very few appear on scene for intervention role, defending unorganized rural part or those living in villages. Most of us got palatable reasons to defend, how we all remain busy for day to day job or business or family care responsibilities. Majority of us spend day life within FRAMED rituals, without distinctive role for helping the society. The Indian religious philosophy otherwise desires certain social obligations to be discharged by all of us for best health and balance growth for the society, hence a CAUSE for writing article, inviting attention for contestants:
Respectable, Hon’ble Justice Sodhi represented Punjab during service and judicial career. Similarly, son of Justice Kuldip Singh represent important family of Punjab and his father had also been ‘President for World Sikh Council’. Unfortunately, the legal battle constructed by retired legal luminaries do not match their basic personalities, having played significant role on overall development for the society .We wish to draw kind attention on the following for review to their approach;
A ) The agenda for conflict, bringing Catchments idea to picture man made Lake to be watered through projected land locations on the sides of Punjab has not proved to be correct. The Lake was full to its capacity by end of September 2013, hence the fundamental Logic projected do not appear valid neither sustainable. The actions are also hurting basic interest of larger number for the society but in benefit for a very few, residing in Sectors for 2 to 11.
B ) Chandigarh has been developed after partition of Punjab by hiring services for a variety of professionals ,including a group architects, under the able guidance of the than political leadership & Administrator for Capital Project , such as Mr P.N. Thapar ,Dr M.S.Randhawa I.C.S. Officers .The decisive administrative role played was bigger than that of a professionals who were hired ,guided with knowledge on ground realities with brief on the requirements. Arch Charles Eduard Jeanneret better known as Le Corbusier was engaged for leading advisory role on plan for new city.
The administration later selected Arch Pierre Jeanneret, Corbusier’s cousin, for the post on Chief Architect and Town Planning who technically played superior role than his famed cousin brother. Thus the spirit for a professional employee, namely Arch Le Corbusier, appears to have been displayed out of proportion, also shadowing role for administrators for Capital Project. The references on imaginary belief that he (Corbusier) may have thought this or that way, if he was alive may not be a correct picture. The present generation leaders are no less than them & got different new visions to carry on developments to current requirements of the society with blend for the past.
C ) The Punjab state has many unchallenged subjects related to the autonomous authority, relating to decisions on developments for the territories, under their charge, like N.A.C. for Naya Gaon, Kansal, Mullanpur etc. The present conflict between residents of Sector 2 -11 v/s members for TATA settlements conveys that former few are perusing cause for small segment for society and later are in search for suitable home for much larger number, near the capital city, Chandigarh, who find city not affordable. The contestants living in prime sectors are asking today for their right on visual view for Lake, Hills & tomorrow it could be on regulation for flow on natural AIR, legally managed to be brought under environment subjects, alleging obstructive flow on growth of urbanization. The need of hour is facilitating housing for have not on comparative reasonable cost by the state.
D ) Punjab has not questioned for the privileges infringed for the state residents in other three directions in South ,East ,West & in between these locations of Chandigarh. There was no technical mandate of Le Corbusier or his predecessors for construction on the face of Mohali including sector 56 A –B dwelling units for poor segment of society. (II) Similarly what about sanctity for recent 8000 dwellings of U.T., free of cost settlements on the Punjab side of N.A.C. Mullanpur developments. (III) The land use converted by U.T. for I.T. sector developments on the side of Panchkula – Haryana ,is reported to be meant for Industrial developments but massive Housing ,business activities has taken place ,but no one has objected. (IV) Why the Front line legal brains of Sikh community remained silent for above constructions on entry to Punjab from Chandigarh without consent of the state not challenged
(V) Also why they remained silent when across the road of their residence, MODERN WASTE DUMP, for broken toiletry or industrial waste items stored & relocated and neighbors failed to find odd environmental conditions. The name tag for ‘ROCK GARDEN’ was to camouflage the activities carried on Prime Chandigarh Land through a society, run by former S.D.O., who was to be removed from service for non performance to assigned job duties. He was saved by Dr M.S. Randhawa I.C.S., advising him to limit hobby to show case, how waste can be managed, but not to the size it has been allowed to grow on disputed territory between two states with sanctions by third party, New Delhi.
Getting back to the current issues on platter for us are that the generic allegations referring only political representatives such as i.e. M.L.A.’s, M.P.’s arrive at selfish or personal beneficiary decisions in context of the development for Housing, titled ‘Tata Camelot” in Kansal is not justified. The public elect political representatives and legislative head recommend the selection for Management of Judicial systems for the country. Politicians in private expressed that no one while performing professional legal job services, issue valid, honest receipt for actual income – Fee charged and most of the appointments / elevations take place from them. Therefore, majority selections may not consciously qualify to claim on absolute honesty for the past professional ethics or practices.
The Governance mechanism represents the society. The leaders or System Operators for the society are from us, rather part of us . It is like a web or a story for Hen came first or an Egg, we all in society are responsible for alleged wrongs, echoed on public platforms. Genuine Public interest initiative are a bare minimum these days .Hon’ble Justice Sodhi ,having enjoyed best of life must look in larger community issues for adjudications than to be getting struck up for trivial subjects reflecting individualistic agenda by insisting continuity to have privileges ,such as to view beauty for Lake and Shivalik Hills .The locations in prime sectors were given on petty sums for urbanization and owners and their inheritors need not to browbeat with legal strength against the larger beneficiary segment of society. It has been admitted in news paper release above, indicating that more than double will get accommodated in ‘Tata Camelot’ on one tenth size for land than a few number living in 9 prime sectors for Chandigarh.